Fat Free Cooking with Pam Cooking Spray? Yeah Right

In the world of big business, we the consumer are the ones who get duped. Time after time, so many fall for ingenious marketing. Pam cooking spray is FAR from calorie free and so are artificial sweeteners. Click on the picture to expand it. The world needs to know just what kind of fool they've been taken for.

How many calories are in your favorite pie?

This article got to the press a bit late, but hey, Xmas is a time for pie too! If you love pie as much as me, educate yourself with these facts before you indulge. Nothing like a healthy guilt trip to keep holiday eating under control.

STOP! Exercises that actually bulk your waist!

Few people realize that the very exercise they might be doing to trim their waist down can actually bulk it up. Here's a list of exercises to minimize or avoid all together. Click on the picture to expand.

Drop 45Lbs in 2 months with HCG Hormone?

There's a lot of talk going on in the fitness community about this revolutionary - or should I say "questionable" hormone. But does it really work? Take a look.

Forcing Fat Off The Body

This is a great article I wrote on how to lose the last few percent when traditional diet and exercise just won't cut it. Click to expand article.

Best Protein For Building Muscle?

Hello fellow fitness enthusiasts! This is a great read right here. Here I explore a more in depth view of just what an Amino Acid is and how they can help maximize your genetic potential. CLICK pic to expand.

Sugar Your Enemy? Not necessarily

Everyone is so quick to jump on the "Don't eat sugar or white products because they are bad" wagon. Most people accept this for fact and never question the reasoning behind it. Here at Derrickinglut.com, I dig deeper for reasoning and formulate my own opinions. Sugars can be bad but they can be your friend too, it just depends what your fitness goals are. Click to expand. 

How To Choose A Good Trainer

New Years is coming and I was wondering since you aren't on the West Coast and I can't hire you, could you recommend any trainers here in L.A? 
Choosing the right trainer can be a daunting task and is critical to your success. I did an interview with the Washington Post last year on the tell tail signs of a great trainer and a bad trainer. Definitely check this out. 

Breaking News! - FDA Bans Hydroxycut

Like anything that actually works, it will either be made a prescription or banned all together. Everything else will be sold over the counter at your local GNC. My guess is that some teenager with the thought of "more must be better" is probably to blame for this unfortunate event. 

But lets think about this. It's well known that alcohol can cause far more liver damage and is responsible for hundreds of deaths *EACH YEAR* from liver failure - but do we ban that? No - It's politics that is taking this great supplement off the market. After 10 years of using it, I personally have never had any problems with the supplement - but anything in excess can certainly be a bad thing.